
Devil Joe and Achaim's Return !!

Hey again !
Ok, these two guys are the other two candidates that will battle it out for a spot for a comic with the Pretty Boys.
First, my Newest Creation : DEVIL JOE !!

" Because someone has the be the Unaverage Joe " I think that's the BEST LINE EVER for him !

Now, about Joe, he's the Devil's son, and he loves to prank people, which make daddy S very proud, but also angry because he gets pranked by Joe too !
I have his story set out to be a funny, sexy and touching good time. It focuses mostly on his life on Earth, as it gets turned around when he falls for this guys named Joey ( i know, how cliché lol ) which forces Joe's nice side that he desperatly tries to keep inside for appearances sake to come pouring out ! With Cameos from his Dad THE Devil (the somewhat nice ever since Joe was born devil ) and his Brother Dracula (the sex fiend), i think it's gonna be a good time !
In the pic above, you can see Joe's Human form ( with tail ) in the back. His Tail in human and devil form i drew to ressemble a J.

And now Achaim, the Barbarian Sex Beast !

If i have to make a debut with Achaim, it's gonna be with the scene above, where he visits a swamp filled with Dick weeds just for kicks for a little hot fun. Achaim is a very Aggresive person, and will get what he wants most of time, by force. This takes place long before the whole ordeal in a village where he gets locked up and meets a very special friend who's going to get him out.
To be completly honest, i was ( and kinda still am ) very afraid of showing Achaim the light of day again, for one MAJOR reason, and that's Zahn. Partick Fillions character. The LAST thing i want for a character i created is for him to be treated like a rip off. But then i told myself, hey, just check my gallery, i've had plans for this guy for a while.
Devil Joe, Achaim, The Pretty Boys ... i'd love to know what you think i should work on, what you think looks interesting and worth makig a comic over, I'm Always all ears !!

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