Captain Planet lost the poll, but i NEVER said i wasn't going to draw the losers.
Honestly, this idea popped into my head, and i was like " no way, this is too good to pass up !" And When i saw that he lost, i thought " aww that sucks :/... maybe i should make him suck !" And thus, the Title was born XD
By the way, Just think Horny teenagers, i mean pppffffttt, Fux that ! If i could summon some magic hunk and i was going through puberty and he told me the power was mine, I'd Do things to him :D
XD Enjoyyyy ! :-)
Johnny Bravo
Winner of the Poll ! ( held HERE )
It was between Captain Planet and Johnny Bravo, and although Johnny won, it seems like both were equally desired ( the comments were actually tied, and that counts for something... *hint hint* )
Again remember to check the polls on my y! gallery page often, or follow me on my Twitter K is 4 Yaoi or Facebook Kerry Art i'll let you guys know when a new poll is up.
Enjoy !
Renji Ichi
Seriously, i'm not sure what else there is to say about this one :D
Absence + insperation = Bleach pr0n XD
This piece helped me figure out some things in photoshop, such as custom shapes.
Also yay for Renji tattoos ! This was great practice overall :)