Hey guys and gals !
I really wanted to post this last week during the week-end but i didn't... you know how life is ? hate it when that happens... Nah, lol, it's just been a busy week-end, more busy then i care to admit actually. My mom's b-day was the 5th, my Brother's b-day was the 6th, and my dad's b-day is today ! the 8th ! ( seriously, no joke ) plus i started opening commissions and those have high priority ! so yea, busy busy busy.
SO ABOUT THIS POST ! (lol) have any of you gotten the chance to play Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure for the DS ? My god ! the game is fantastic ! i am SO glad i trekked the mall in Connecticut to find this when i was there this holiday season ! And if any Gay guy from EA is happening to be trolling on the internet and reading this, this game is AWESOME !! PLEASE MAKE A SEQUEL !!
This game is too much to explain in one post ( the bottom screen of the DS is used to solve match 3 puzzles for goodness sake ! ) but i will tell you that this is by far one of the best, most challenging and funnest games i have ever played ! indeed Henry ! GOOD SHOW !!
And thus my pencil sketch tribute to him ! and this is Younger Red head Henry by the way, the idea for this one is that since the suit had to power to make him young again, he decided to go out and enjoy his youth one more time ! XD
Anyway, Loves you all ( i mean obviously, if i'm bothering to post this for you XD ) and hope you guys had a great week-end
Hugs !